Adult Education at The Temple
Under the programming direction of Rabbi Schiftan, Adult Education at Temple is vibrant and thriving, reflecting our members’ interests and needs. Whether you seek weekly Torah Study, informal discussion of contemporary ethics, monthly Book Club meetings or women’s programming, an occasional lecture by a visiting scholar, or ongoing lectures by our guest Family Life Educator, please join us in our various offerings at Temple.
- Shabbat 9:30 a.m.:
Chevrah Torah, Study of the Weekly Portion (Rabbis);
- Thursday Noon:
Lunch with the Rabbi (R.Schiftan);
- Thursday Noon:
Women’s Torah Study (Patty Marks);
- Taste of Judaism, 3-week sessions in July (R. Rami Shapiro)
- Visiting Scholars
Special Programs
- Click Here to see new and exciting Temple programs
For additional information, please contact the Adult Education Committee chairperson.