Dec 1, 2024  ::  30 Heshvan 5785
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High Holidays Food Drive

In our Temple Foyer there is a receptacle offering the opportunity for members of our Temple family to leave canned and boxed food. This food is continually donated to those in our greater Nashville community who are in need.

During our High Holy Days, we make a concentrated effort to substantially increase the food inventory at the Second Harvest Food Bank. This worthy organization provides a truck which our congregants fill to the maximum each year. This food drive has been wonderfully successful over many, many years.

Over the last several years there has been an increase interest in making monetary donations instead of food, as the funds generated enable Second Harvest to buy in bulk allowing the donations to go even further.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Second Harvest online, please go to: Your contribution will be credited to The Temple High Holiday Food Drive.

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Congregation Ohabai Sholom
5015 Harding Road
Nashville, TN 37205
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