Temple Youth and Post Confirmation Program
The Temple Youth Program is an essential component of the overall Temple programming. Over the past couple of years, the program has gone through a structural reorganization. The entire youth program is managed by a member of the professional staff with an advisor who oversees all the activities of the Youth Groups. There are three groups, one for fifth and sixth graders, one for seventh and eighth graders and National Association of Temple Youth (NASTY), the senior youth group, for ninth through twelfth graders. Each group is managed by a committed advisor who organizes events and activities. NASTY also has elected officers.
Activities range from Shabbat and holiday service participation, building sukkahs, and running the Purim carnival, to social action activities like collecting personal items for the homeless, to pure recreational fun including skating, bowling, white-water rafting, putt-putt, to slumber parties.
Advisory Board
A Temple Youth Advisory Committee composed of Board members and others committed to quality youth programming counsel The Temple youth on their activities and programs. This Committee also works to create a close relationship between the youth and the rest of the Congregation with the goal of integrating the youth programming into the overall Temple programming.
Post-Confirmation Program
The Post-Confirmation program for students in grades eleven and twelve, allows our oldest youngsters to decide for themselves whether or not they want to continue their Jewish studies. This optional and self-motivated decision creates a wonderful learning situation between student and Rabbi. A special graduation ceremony along with a $500.00 stipend to go to Israel occurs for twelfth graders that complete out Post-Confirmation program.
Youth and Parent Resources
The Temple Offers a diverse Jr. Youth Program for students from 5th through 8th grades. Students have the opportunity to participate in everything from social activities to in-town trips to educational classes.
Gimulute Chasadeem (deeds of loving kindness) is another part of the unique and special program. We offer our students the opportunity to participate in our worship services. We also have a Parent/Child Book Club which provides round table discussions over lunch.
We are proud and excited at the number of our youth that participate in our diverse Jr. Youth activities.
Should you want to contact the coordinator of these programs please do not hesitate to do so: Rabbi Michael Shulman (615-352-7620)